Page 4 - Klahanie March Magazine Flip_Neat
P. 4

E                  EGG HUNT!!
                                          Klahanie Community

                                                                     Saturday, April 20, 2019
                                                                        Mountainview Park

                                                                       4280 Klahanie Dr. SE

                                                                               Once again, the Easter Bunny will
                                                                               be back to visit the children of
                                                                               Klahanie on Saturday, April 20th
                                                                               at 9:30am for our annual Easter
                                                                               Egg Hunt at Mountainview Park.
                                                                               Thousands of eggs will be hidden
                                                                               throughout the park and there
                                                                               will be special golden eggs for
                                                                               each age group to fi nd and win
                                                                               an extra special prize!  A profes-
                                                                               sional photographer will be on
                                                                               hand to capture photos. Don't be
                                                                               shy and hop on over and join in
                                                                               the fun! Don't forget to bring your
                                                                               own Easter Basket to carry all
                                                                               those eggs home!

                                                                               Times for each age group:
                                                                                  9:45 am:   3 years and younger
                                                                                  10:00 am:  4-7 years

                                                                                  10:15 am:   8 years and up

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