Page 3 - Klahanie March Magazine Flip_Neat
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Dear Klahanie Families:                                                             IN S ID E  T H I S  I S SU E

                                    Welcome to the first edition of the newly reenergized Klahanie
                                    Living Magazine. I use the term “reenergized” purposefully since
                                    the Klahanie Living name has a long history of providing Klahanie
                                    specific information to residents, during the past 30+ years.
                                    Originally started as a typewritten single page in the 1980’s
                                    designed to help the first residents connect with each other.
                                    It grew in the 1990’s and 2000 as a helpful newsletter for the
                                    Association to provide information to all residents. Now, after
                                    several years of sporadic appearances, the old newsletter format
                                    has been retired and in its place is this new full color magazine,   A S S O C I A T ION  D I R E C T OR
                                    which will be mailed to you six times a year.
                                                                                              Fred Nystrom
                                    The Mission/purpose of the magazine is simple. It is “To celebrate
                                    the Klahanie community in ways which inspire, inform, instruct
                                    and uplift. Utilizing quality editorial content to engage the
                                    residents of Klahanie in discovering the beauty of our region and
                                    the ways to which the HOA can add to the quality of life for all
                                    members of the community.”

                                    In each edition, you will find articles ranging from home, food
                                    & entertaining, travel, family, community and yes, even HOA
                                                                                           CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL SPECIALIST
                                    updates. This scope of articles is designed to provide you with   MA N A G I N G  B R O KE R
                                    a range of information on subjects that expand your Klahanie   M A R K E T PL A CE  S O T H EB Y ’ S
                                                                                            I N T E R N A T ION A L  R E A L T Y
                                                                                               Linda Head
                                    For those who prefer to get their information digitally, these
                                                                                          Linda Head has worked in the real
                                    articles will be posted on the Klahanie web site as soon as the   estate business for more than forty
                                    new format has been implemented.                      years, helping her clients through
                                                                                          the often challenging process of
                                    While the magazine is a benefit to you through your membership   buying or selling a home.
                                    in the Association, the production and mailing do not cost you
                                    or the Association anything. Instead, all expenses are covered
                                    by the very few advertisers accepted into the pages of the

                                    As your Association Director, I will also be the Publisher of the
                                    magazine and I look forward to providing you with a steady
                                    stream of interesting, useful, educational and insightful articles
                                    on Klahanie and the region we all call home.
                                                                                                  OF F I C E R
                                    Fred Nystrom                                              Steve Lysaght
                                                                                           Steve Lysaght is a twenty-year
                                            K L A H A N I E H O M E O W N E R ' S A S S O C I A T I O N
                                                                                           law enforcement officer with
                                           4 2 1 0 2 4 4 T H P L . S E | S A M M A M I S H , W A 9 8 02 9
                                                                                          King County Sheriff’s Office.  He
                                                     P:  4 2 5 . 3 9 2 . 4 663              has worked for the Klahanie
                                                  W W W . KL A H A N I E . C O M  W       Neighborhood Patrol since 2007.

                                                                                              WWW.KLAHANIE.COM  I S S U E # 1  3
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