Page 6 - Klahanie March Magazine Flip_Neat
P. 6



                              KLAHANIE YARD MAINTENANCE

                  Spring is soon to be here….
                  and so is the grass, moss, weeds,
                  and yard work

                  Spring is a vibrant period of   Since launching in October,   will be included in the following
                  growth bringing colorful blooms,   GoldenRule has begun service   month’sservice.
                  warmer weather, and a return of   to 200 families. The contracted
                  outdoor activities. Make this the   services come in an
                  year that those outdoor activities   annual agreement of
                  are not confined to mowing,    26 visits (every other
                  mulching and weeding your yard.  week) and include:
                  Last fall, the Association    •  Mowing and edging
                  launched a new program to help   the lawn
                  homeowners insure that their   •  Weeding the
                  weekends are not consumed by    planting areas
                  yard work and free up your time
                  for fun and relaxation.       •  Pruning the shrubs
                                                  and bushes at
                  We interviewed multiple         the proper time
                  companies and selected          of the season for
                  GoldenRule Lawn and Landscape,   maximum health and beauty   Enrolling:
                  a local professional landscaping
                  company to provide year around   •  Fertilizing, weed control, and   In 2019, we are allowing 50 new
                  front yard landscaping and lawn   moss control of the lawn   properties per month to join
                  care at a significant savings. This   •  Removal of leaves in the Fall  the program, so don’t put off
                  program is designed to make your                             enrolling. Sign up now by sending
                  yard look great and meet all the   By working with a single licensed   an email to
                  Klahanie landscaping standards.  and experienced local company,   and include your name, address,
                                                the Association has negotiated an   and phone, and if you want just
                                                extremely competitive rate for   the front yard service or possibly
                                                these services of $80 + tax per   both yards. We will provide
                                                month for 12 months. The contract   you with a confirmation of your
                                                can be cancelled if they do not   enrollment and give you a time
                                                provide the contracted services   when your service will begin. By
                                                or if you sell your home.      enrolling in this program you are
                                                                               releasing and holding Klahanie
                                                Backyards too!
                                                                               harmless from any claim arising
                                                During the fall, we learned    from the service provided to you
                                                that many Klahanie residents   and your property under this
                                                wanted their back yard included   program.
                                                with their service. If you are   Making it Easy for You
                                                interested in adding the backyard
                                                to the scope of service, at the   Because the Association believes
                                                first visit to service your front   so strongly in the benefits of this
                                                yard, a GoldenRule rep will    program, the Association will add
                                                email you a quote for adding   the monthly cost of the program
                                                the backyard. If you accept the   to your quarterly assessment
                                                quote, the backyard services   statement.

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