Page 5 - Klahanie March Magazine Flip_Neat
P. 5


               Procedure                                                                                              C O MM U NI T Y  E V EN T S

                  Changes  have been made to make
                  the system easier for everyone

                  Recently the Klahanie Board
                  of Directors approved a       responsible for updating the
                  new process for improving     Compliance staff.
                  communications between        Homeowners that receive           VIOLATION PROCESS
                  the homeowners and the        violation letters are encouraged
                  Compliance staff. The purpose   to contact Compliance with        Flowchart
                  of the change was to streamline   questions either by phone or   At-a-glance
                  the process and make it easier   email at compliance@klahanie.
                  for homeowners to comply with   com.
                  violation notices. The changes
                  are working and In fact, the    In most cases just sending a
                  number of days from fi rst notice   digital photo of the completed   VIOLATION  COMPLIANCE
                  to completion has been reduced   work is enough for the violation
                  by half. These changes modify   fi le to be closed. However, if the
                  Section 5.0 Complaint Procedure   homeowner does not contact
                  of the Rules & Regulations.   Compliance within the specifi ed
                                                time, then another letter will be
                  Briefl y stated, the Friendly   sent that invites the homeowner   1st Letter
                  Reminder Door Hanger has been   to a fi ne hearing.  Note that if you   of Non-
                  eliminated. Now, if a complaint   correct the violation, but do not   compliance
                  is received from a homeowner   inform Compliance, a fi ne invite
                  or initiated by Klahanie staff   may still be sent since we have
                  while making a neighborhood   not heard from you.
                  inspection, a 1st Letter of Non-
                  compliance will be issued.    It is our intent to be fl exible   ACTION OR
                  Depending on the nature of the   and give as much time for the   RESPONSE
                  violation the homeowner is asked   work to be completed through   (10 Days)
                  to either correct the matter or   voluntary cooperation with the
                  submit an Architectural Control   homeowner. The Compliance
                  Application within a specifi ed   staff take into account the nature
                  number of days—usually 10     and scope of the noncompliance,
                  days.  The new violation letter   safety issues, and the          FINE
                  that is sent to a homeowner   homeowner’s efforts to comply.    HEARING
                  clearly states the reason for the   However, if there is no
                  violation, the expected action to   communication from the
                  be taken by the homeowner and   homeowner then a fi ne will likely
                  due dates.  It also has a photo   be assessed after review by the
                  of the area of non-compliance   resident-based Fine Committee.    Legal action/
                  embedded on the back of the   The current fi ne policy for a      Loss of
                  letter.                                                         privileges
                                                fi rst-time violation is $100 plus
                  From this point forward in the   $20 per day until compliance is
                  process the homeowner is      achieve.

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