Page 7 - Klahanie March Magazine Flip_Neat
P. 7
Camp Sambica P E T S & K I D S H O M E & G A R D E N S
A Light on the lake for 100 years
I remember so clearly that first and parasailing were added to the and the dances and songs they
time we drove our daughter, summer programs. taught the campers.
Makenna, to Camp Sambica. Sambica now consists of over Located just a few miles from
She was nervous, as the day 30 separate buildings spread Klahanie, Sambica is one of the
camp would be a big step for out over the nine-acre site. They only local camps located on
her. She would be spending all have cabins, meeting areas a beautiful fresh-water lake.
day with kids she did not know. and kitchens to serve several Campers make great use of the
Then we heard it—the peals of thousand campers and the 100 lake and have the opportunity to
laughter echoing up front Lake staff members each summer. learn water skills along the way.
Sammamish. The sounds of a During the fall, winter and spring,
hundred or more young kids Sambica hosts other schools, The Sambica staffs have done a
laughing and shrieking with churches and organizations who masterful job in adapting to the
excitement, all mingled together want a retreat or conference economy over the past decade
into a wall of happy sound. facility without traveling a great as well as the growth on homes
Makenna looked surprised, and distance. But it is the summer along the shoreline. They have
then as she looked at us, we could when Sambica really shines. added after school programs,
see the concern drain from her leadership courses and times
face and quickly fill again with Like our daughter did, most when the entire families can use
excitement. She could sense the young kids start their love of the camp.
fun that was waiting for her and Sambica during one of the day Sambica is a not-for-profit and
she was now ready for it. camp sessions. Parents drop non-denominational Christian
their kids off by 8:00 in the
This was Makenna’s welcoming morning and pick them back camp. Campers from all religious
moment to the wonder of Camp up at 5:00pm. As children backgrounds are welcome and
Sambica. It was been much the build their own confidence and will find that the lessons shared
same for young kids, since the comfort with being away from are based on core religious values
Swedish Tabernacle Church home, most graduate into the common among many religions.
bought the land along the lake overnight camps, which are Do not wait to contact Sambica,
in 1919. Several of the church a week long experience with as they generally fill up months
members bought lake front lots staying overnight in a cabin with before the end of the school year.
on the deserted lake for summer counselors and other campers If you were to drive down West
cabins. By the early 1930s boys their age. Overnight camps can Lake Sammamish Parkway in
and girls camps were held each take campers as young as the 4th mid-summer, listen as you come
summer and the laughter had grade. to the footbridge over the road
begun. With the completion of and I am sure you too will hear the
the I-90 floating bridge in 1941 it The counselors, boat drivers, joyous sounds of kids celebrating
reduced the long trip from Seattle life guards and kitchen staff are the fun they are having at camp.
to Lake Sammamish from half-a- recruited each summer from Now is the time to insure your
day to under an hour. Access also university-age students. Each child can be part of a memorable
brought a population boom to the chooses a fun name to use with summer on the lake.
eastside and more homes were the kids. Makenna’s favorite
built on the once quiet and remote counselors were Tigger and Sambica
Lake Sammamish. By 1962, the Sparkle. They must have been 4114 W Sammamish Parkway SE,
Bellevue, WA 98008
camp added canoes and their special because 20 years later she 425.746.9110
first ski boat. The 1970s jet boats can still remember their names