Page 4 - Klahanie September-October, 2019 Issue
P. 4
High Schoo l
a Time of Options By Claudia Coté
Here in Klahanie families are
than loading up on advanced
applications'. What this means
lucky to have a broad variety
in real terms is that a student
courses only to become
of education options for their through in successful college their courses. This is much better
children. There are excellent who participates in 15 activities overwhelmed and have to deal
public schools, a strong probably doesn’t develop the with signifi cant grade drops or
homeschool network, and great level of engagement or achieve noticeable reduction in the rigor
private school options. For the level of leadership they of future courses taken.
families with students entering would if they focused on two or So, as your student navigates
high school there are often three that they really care about. high school, remember that
questions about how to prepare Sometimes it is tempting to their best participation and
for college admission. In my work follow the lead of ‘that kid from achievement will come
it is the fi rst thing brought up high school XYZ who recently got when they are genuinely and
when a family contacts me.
into University of Washington’ realistically committed. Whether
The truth is that the college and try to match the specifi cs it is activities, academics, sports,
admissions process is most of their activities. The reality is part-time employment, music,
successful when the student that college admissions teams art, politics, or any other of the
is allowed and encouraged to have different initiatives each many things available to our
pursue their genuine interests year and as a college applicant teens their own true interests
and take advantage and engage it is impossible to know what and talents are the best guide to
in options available at high school your year’s might be. College follow toward eventual college
and in our communities. admissions professionals read admissions.
hundreds of applications each
Middle and high school is a time year and are good at noticing Education is a marathon, not
of growth – not just physically, when a student’s activities seem a sprint. Finding strategies to
but also academically, socially, more like checking boxes and continue a positive trend in
emotionally, and in awareness less like actual interest. course selection rigor and grades
of future employment goals. is the ticket to a great list of
There is no better preparation for The second question families colleges who would be
admission then the student who, ask is a classic in college delighted to admit!
after sampling options available, admission, “Is it better for Suzy
passionately pursues their to take an AP/IB and get a B or a
genuine interests. regular class and get an A”. Like
many things in life the answer
I recently attended the is not that simple. Colleges
SuperACAC, a conference of the want students who challenge
Western, Pacifi c Northwest, and themselves but are self-aware
Rocky Mountain Association for enough to know their limits.
College Admission Counseling. When in doubt I encourage
The message from college students to take their advanced
admission staff was loud and course in subjects that are
clear as it has been for many already their natural strength and
years: ‘it is the depth not breadth to seek help early in the year if
of involvement that shines
they fi nd it a struggle in any of