Page 5 - Klahanie September-October, 2019 Issue
P. 5
Renting Your Home in Klahanie? C O MM U NI T Y
Here are some things to consider . . .
While it has been a requirement
assessed against the home owner.
for years to notify the HOA that
a home is being rented, most These fi nes will continue to be
Notices were sent out to those
people are not aware of the we believe to be landlords in
rules. The HOA needs to know August, informing them of the
how many homes are rented new registration requirements.
in Klahanie and has records of If they complete the rental
the renters and their contact registration form and return it
information. It is important to before September 30th, there
have the new address of the will be no fi ne imposed. For those
owners. The board recently who do return the form before
approved several changes in the the end of 2019, the fi ne will
Rules and Regulations effecting be the existing $100. Any who
rental homes and requirements wait until after January 1st, the
of the home owners.
fi ne is $500 with the potential
The fi rst change is that a rental for an additional $20 a day if
home is no longer considered they do not respond to a written
as a Home Business under the request to complete the Rental
Rules & Regulations Section Registration.
4.9. This is to separate renting a After January 1st. people who
home to others from a business rent an unregistered home will
conducted in a home by the not have access to the pools and
home owners. Now the owner of other amenities until the owner
a home for rent will be required completes the registration form.
to complete a one page Rental For those few renters who do not
Home Registration form- maintain the yards and accrue
contained in Appendix B.
compliance violations, the Fine
Also removed in section 4.11 is Committee now has the authority
an old and likely unenforceable to require the owner to contract
sentence that said that any with a landscaping company to
renter’s violation of the governing provide monthly yard care for
documents is a default of their the following year.
lease. This has now been replaced By this time next year, the
with a newly worded sentence HOA will have a much clearer
reading “Any failure of a tenant understanding of how many
to comply with the terms of homes are rented, records of
the Governing documents is a who is living in those homes and
violation of the Registration and a clear way to communicate
subject to fi nes until corrected, with the landlord to require
regardless of whether or not the compliance to Klahanie
lease expressly incorporates this standards.
provision in its written terms.”