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Varsity C O MM U NI T Y
By Claudia Coté
On a recent walk around our
confi dent that they often assist
21.0 million in 2010. More than
beautiful Yellow Lake with
80 percent of students attend
others to achieve, too? These
friends, the “Varsity Blues” news This is lower than the peak of where the student feels so
story came up. As a person who bachelors-degree-granting factors can be applied to college
has worked with college bound colleges that accept more selection and will lead to a happy
students for over 20 years, my than 50 percent of those who and successful student. When
walking group wanted to hear my apply. Most studies show that we take the emphasis off the
take. attaining a college education has name of the college and put it on
a long-term impact on fi nancial the future success of students,
For those who have not heard, success. However, the name it makes the process and results
“Varsity Blues” involves a brand of the college only makes go from ‘Varsity Blues’ to College
large cheating scandal that a small difference in the fi rst Success!
included celebrities and other three years post-graduation;
wealthy people buying test this difference is partly related
score improvements, positions to family connections that are
on college sport teams, and already part of the lives of many
infl uence to secure their students at elite colleges. For
children a place in elite colleges. the vast majority of college
Outrageous actions like photo- graduates, their work ethic,
shopping their kid’s faces into intelligence, and degree choice
action sport photos and paying will have the biggest impact on
tens of thousands to millions career success. Which college
for test answer corrections and they attended quickly becomes
bribes are all part of the sordid a side note. Think about your
incidents orchestrated by one work environment. Do you
man who played on the high know where all your co-workers
anxiety some families feel around earned their bachelor's degree?
college acceptance. This is
leading to people going to prison Successful attainment of a
and children being expelled college degree begins with
from the colleges with their applying to schools that
reputations and college records meet the student’s individual
forever marked. Although education needs. This ‘fi t’ is the
extreme, the story illustrates combination of academic, social,
risks some people will take to emotional, fi nancial, and other
secure their child access in a characteristics that are different
brand name college – but is a for every student. One example
name brand college worth it? is to ask your child when they
do their own best learning. Is it
According to the National in a classroom full of students
Center for Educational Statistics, who seem to fi nd all the answers
19.9 million students attended easily and are competitive, or a
American colleges and classroom with a mix of abilities
universities in the Fall of 2018.
and a team approach, or one
Klahanie Magazine July 2019 Issue.indd 5 8/20/2019 10:42:13 PM