Page 33 - Pipeline JanFebMar2020
P. 33

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Kenneth Burch
Ken passed away on January 1, 2020 at age 74. He hired into the BWL on 8/17/1964 as a Laborer in Water Distribution and retired on 2/1/1996 as a Line Helper in Overhead Line Electric after 31.27 years of service.
Billy Dudley
Billy passed away on January 5, 2020 at age 79. He hired into the BWL on 7/6/1966 as a Boil Room Helper and retired on 9/1/1994 as a Coal Operator A after 28 years of service.
Laurene Cooper
Lauren passed away on January 16, 2020 at age 93. She hired into the BWL on 7/12/1965 as a Typist Clerk and retired on 5/1/1984 as the Secretary to the Division Director after 18.80 years of service.
Michael Fullmer
Mike passed away on January 12, 2020 at age 54. He hired into the BWL on 4/2/1990 as a Laborer and retired on 5/19/2006 as an Equipment Operator B after 15.63 years of service.
Irving Gleason Jr
Irving passed away on March 24, 2020 at age 98. He hired into the BWL on 8/16/1953 as a Boiler Room Helper and retired on 2/01/1984 as a Production Plant Helper after 30.46 years of service.
Iris Hokanson
Iris passed away on February 19, 2020. She hired into the BWL on 8/10/1959 as a General Clerk and retired 1/02/1986 as a Stock Control Clerk after 26.37 years of service.
Ruben Lazaro
Ruben passed away in the Philippines on January 16, 2020. He hired into the BWL on 7/27/1973 as a Laborer and retired on 1/01/2000 as an Electric Meter Specialist after 26.40 years of service.
Edmund Orr
Edmund passed away on February 9, 2020 at age 87. He hired into the Board on 7/10/1953 as a Laborer and retired on 1/2/1989 as a Pole Setting Supervisor after 35.46 years of service.
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 Jan•Feb•Mar 2020 33

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