Page 58 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 58
The 1990 Boys' Tennis season
was a learning experience. First
year coach Stephan Bersani had
his work cut out for him because
of the loss of many valuable sen
The CBA team was led by Dru
Damico in first singles, Dave
Aiello in second singles, and Brian
Niland in third singles. The season
was off to a slow start, but to
wards the end, with a lot of hard
work and good coaching, the best
of the team came together as well
as the wins.
By the time sectionals came
around, CBA entered three par
ticipants in the first three singles.
Brian Niland won his flight and
Dru Damico placed second in the
tournament. Then they proceeded
to qualify for the Sectional Tour
The Junior Varsity Lacrosse
team consisted of mostly freshmen
and sophomores. For many, it was
their first experience in playing
lacrosse. They were drilled in ex
ercises and ran to improve their
reaction time and skills.
The Junior Varsity Lacrosse
team learned to play the game of
lacrosse and how to employ var
ious techniques and strategies on
the field. Players would have to
use their minds as will as their
bodies to make choices such as
"What's the best way to score?"
The team experienced, in most
cases, a sport that was both fun
and challenging. They played to
the best of their abilities to attain
54 Sports
Boys' Tennis
J.V. Lacrosse