Page 103 - CBA 1983 YEARBOOK
P. 103

 With a strong effort, the J.V. team tackled difficult
/league competition. Unseasoned players coupled with
some tough breaks kept the spirited team from a winning
season. Michael Riehberg coached the team through
Iwell-deserved wins against Fowler, Corcoran, and non-
iOague opponent Watertown I.H.C. as well as through five
disappointing losses.
Again and again, the Brothers made a good showing
Iwith the hard work of quarterback, Joe Pullano, running
guard, Reggie Johnson. With the strong performance of
these players, and a combined effort of the entire team,
the young squad put up a tough fight against their league
The rain dampened the Brothers efforts. In many
games, cold hands and wet footballs resulted in numerous
turnovers leaving them in several difficult predicaments.
Throughout the season they had to face these setbacks,
but they endured them hoping that their training this year
lacks, Scott Phillips and Lou Sacco and freshman
will help them on the varsity level next year.
E. Rivers, J. Pullano, A. Green, G. Kelly, R. John­ son, J. Falso, L. Sacco, M. Rosbrook; M. McGowan, T. Lampuri, S. Kenney, T. Coyne, M. Hodgdon, J, Del- Popolo, S. Phillips, J. Lighton; S. Coleman, M. Dickinson, J. Kirsch, T. Ba­ laam, K. Bullock, K. Do- manski; G. Wells, C. Mills, P. Villhauer, G. Tackley, C.

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