Page 105 - CBA 1983 YEARBOOK
P. 105

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Winner Takes All; Unbeaten Brothers
Cap CYO champs
Promising young players brought the Middle
school soccer team to the end of a dynamic sea­
son. Highlighted by hard work and tough play, this
team performed one smash play after another.
The key game for the Brothers came against
the undefeated St. Margeret team. The underdog
Brothers, lead by Tri-captains Joe Sweet, Der­
rick Marsellus and Dino Tognoni, pulled out a 2-
1 victory which put the team into the race for the
league championship.
Second year coach WIeklinski felt that this
was the turning point of the season, and the 50-50
mixture of seventh and eighth graders were work­
ing extremely well together. Citing good perfor­
mances by starting goalie Greg Aumiller and Ke­
vin Whelan, a starting forward, both seventh
The Brothers continued their success and end­
ed the regular season with a 6-0-2 record, the two
ties going to Holy Trinity and St. Rose. This record
was good enough to have them go onto the C.Y.O.
Grammer School championship, against St. John
Baptist, whom they had defeated 5-3 in the regular
season, the only defeat for the opposing team.
The brothers won a close 3-1 victory to give them
a well deserved championship.
Coach B. WIeklinski, D. Ludwick, K. Watch Oat! Rick Kahute
Whelan, C. Baroncelli, C. Marangola, J. Morelli; R. Chowdury, M. Aldrich, C. Holden, C, Snow, W. Blaisdell, T. Eck­ ert; C. Krylo, J. Sweet, B. Tapper, T. Range, D. Hammer, D. Marsellas; K. Shanahan, K. Fifield, J. Bowerman, D. Beach, K. McAllister, C. Bogdan, C. Piqaet; P. Barret, D. Rowe, J. Polcaro, R. Kahate, G. Aamiller, C. Mangel, D. Tognoni;
prepares for a challenge from opponent.

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