Page 124 - CBA 1983 YEARBOOK
P. 124

 A Sour Lax Season
as Stickmen see
stiff League competition
Lacrosse fans had little to cheer about this season as
the Varsity squad fought hard against tough competition.
The hapless team ended the season with a discouraging
4-9 record. This was no indication of the talent on the Stick
Squad as returning Lettermen Dan Queri, Tom Brogan and
Goalie, Mark Procopio demonstrated on the field their
fierce determination.
In league play, the Brothers were only able to defeat
Nottingham in two outings. In an exciting non-league match
L. Pfohl, J. Mungovan,
P. Hanrahan, D. Queri,
T. Bradbury, D. Dom-
broski, B. Stiner; K.
O'Hara, S. Rourke, C.
Burns, A. Catania, J.
Fitzgerald, P. Ricciardi,
D. Kopp; Coach Sanfi-
li ppo, S.
Sul l i van, C.
Fletcher, W. Ferris, T.
Brogan, M. Procopio, J.

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