Page 128 - CBA 1983 YEARBOOK
P. 128

 Little Laxs Lose Luck
Set up! Rob Jerry sets offense in Reggie Johnson stops an op­ motion. ponent from advancing.
Coach J. Danisze\«ski, C. Baroncelii, M. ludice, P. Barrett, B. Hollis, G. Fenocchi, G. Bell, M. Congel; J. Blanchard, C. Bernales, M. Dickinson, T. Deskin, J. Hammer, P. Guinto, S. Congel; B. Duerr, J. Catania, T. Young, J. Withers, L, Santaro, S. Salvatore, H. Benn; N. LaPenta, J. Roadarmel, D. Marsellus, M, Jones,C. Mills, R. Johnson, J. Falso, R. Jerry
Hard Times hit the modified lacrosse team.
Newly created this year, the inexperience of this
young team was evident with their 0-9 record.
On attack, there was the young talent of Fresh­
man Jim Falso and David Centore, while the mid-
field was led by Rob Jerry and Mark Jones. The
defense was led by hard hitting Reggie Johnson
and goalie John Withers. Coach Daniszewski calls
John one of the best young goalies he has ever
The Brothers faced tough but close, losing bat­
tles to C N Y C L opponents Henninger and Corcoran
as well as a close game to Skaneatelas in which
the Brothers lost in the final minutes of the game.
According to Coach Daniszewski these Freshman
and Middle School stickmen will gain the exper­
ience necessary to win games in the future.

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