Page 134 - CBA 1983 YEARBOOK
P. 134

 Flashing hopes for a competitive
league finish, marked the Brothers
Miners season. With 8 returning letter-
men; including Seniors Mark Busco,
Mike McMullen, and Dave Verrett;
and many fine young prospects from
the JV Team, such as Frosh standout
Pat Canole, Sophomore Jim Carson
and Paul O’Leary, Shannon Curley
and Mike Flynn; the “Miners” were
expected to continue the torrid pace
they established in the preseason exi-
However, regular season play
dashed these hopes with three con­
secutive near-misses. The clear high
point of the team’s performance
came in a 13-12 squeaker against
Fowler. Bob Lavin sparked the
Brothers’ determination with a tower­
ing three-run homer in the first inning.
It was a see-saw affair throughout as
both teams fought to stay ahead.
Coming from behind in the fifth in­
ning, the Brothers Batmen pulled to
within one run as a result of Jeff Bar-
nello’s solo homer. The crucial point
was met in the sixth inning, as the
Brothers found themselves dropping
four runs behind Fowler. Bases were
loaded with two outs as Junior, Don
McClure stepped up to bat. He han­
dled the pressure with ease as he
doubled to right center, scoring all the
base runners.
The game was still not decided as
the squad moved into the final inning.
Fowler rallied for three more runs.
The Brothers scratched and clawed
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The Season was on again, off again, as ^
Miners Hopes End in Sectionals
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