Page 81 - CBA 1983 YEARBOOK
P. 81

 The high school newspaper is a tradi­
tion in any school. CBA is no exception.
The Purple and Gold, C B A ’s equivalent
to the New York Times, has flourished
over the past year. Editor-in-Chief Kevin
Dudash, Sports Editor Steve Lomber,
and the rest of the P&G staff persist in a
gallant effort to keep the news current.
The production of the Purple and
Gold is not as easy as one might think.
Like all newspapers, the Purple and
Gold is plagued with deadlines. Every
two months, out of the abyss of the first
floor, comes the
“ Deadline
tomorrow!” Even though the deadlines
may not always be met on time, the Pur­
ple and Gold still comes out to stimu­
late student interest in life at CBA.
Mrs. Nancy McDougall, the new
moderator, has helped tremendously in
bringing new life to the P&G. The ideas
for many of the articles and actual print­
ing of the periodical has been completed
largely through her efforts. Every two
months, C B A ’s
students can
count on the P&G announcing what’s
happening in sports, opinions, and activi­
Look at this typo. Kevin Dudash and Co. point out problems in copy.
T. Young, S. LaRose, C. Edwards, S. Hays, J. Gallagher, M, Izzo.

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