Page 74 - CBA 1988 YEARBOOK
P. 74

Pete Hottenstein makes his move.
back, Brian Nilan, Jay Murphy, Dean DeRoberts, Kurt Riesenburg, Pete Hottenstein, Rick Pitcher, Dax Vlalasis, Coach Joel Levy:front. Bill Dailey, Rami Badaway, Dru Damico, John DeFrancisco, Mike
Last year’s tennis season proved to be a very promising onefor Brothers. The team managed an 11-5 record with a very young team losing close matches to tennis powers like Jamesville- Dewitt and Fayetteville-Manlius. The team was led by fresh­ man Dax Vlalasis and team’s most valuable player, Dru Da­ mico, who was only an eighth grader. Senior Captain John DeFrancisco and sophomore Rick Pitcher and Pete Hottenstein provided stabilityfor the Brothers. With only one varsiity play­ er graduating, the 1988 tennis season should spell victory for the Brothers.
Aldrich, Charlie Vita.
(above left) Pete Hottenstein and Dean DeRoberts shake hands at the end o f a match.
(above) Senior Mike Aldrich shows us the essentials o f a good tennis player.

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