Page 14 - Florida Concealed Carry Law
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Finally, we have the sheepdog. While the sheepdog has many jobs within the flock, the most important is that of protector. The sheepdog’s job is to lay down its life to protect the sheep from the wolves. You may think the sheep would be thankful for the sheepdog, but instead, they are afraid of them. To the sheep, the sheepdog looks like a wolf. They have fangs and a tendency to be violent, like the wolf. In many ways, the sheepdog and the wolf are cut from the same cloth. They have one major difference, though: The sheepdog loves the sheep and could never use its gift of strength and violence against them.
Most people in society are sheep. It’s a lot easier to pretend the wolves don’t exist than to confront them. The sheep believe that the only way to prevent a school shooting is to pass a law or put up a sign. The sheep are appalled at the idea of armed law enforcement around their children. These people are so focused on themselves, their phones and their world that they have no clue that wolves are stalking and hunting them.
The wolves in society are sometimes difficult to spot. They look, talk and sometimes act just like the sheep. They truly are wolves in sheep’s clothing. The wolves could be your neighbors, coworkers, family or a random person walking through the parking lot. They’re waiting for the right moment when they can catch a woman alone in a dark parking lot or they get fired from a job. The wolf is capable of committing violent acts without empathy or discretion.
Unlike the wolves, the sheepdogs have a subconscious, and almost moral, burden to protect the people around them. Many sheepdogs are drawn to serve in the military, law enforcement, fire brigade or EMS. Others are just concealed weapons permit holders. These individuals are willing to give their lives so the sheep can be safe and protected.
Why I Started Carrying a Gun
My entire life, my goal was to get a carry permit the day I turned 21 because I just thought it was really cool. When that day was drawing near, I realized I might have a problem. My wife was pissed at the idea of having a gun in the house. It was my fault for marrying a Canadian. Early one July Sunday morning, I was sitting at the back of my church when I noticed a man walk in wearing a leather trench coat. Now, I shouldn’t have to tell you that a trench coat in Florida makes no sense at all.