Page 13 - Florida Concealed Carry Law
P. 13

 Why I Wrote This Book
If you’ve spent any time at all in a gun store or researching Florida firearm laws online, you’ve probably noticed that there's a lot of misinformation. Gun owners seem to make stuff up and put it out there as fact. I can't tell you how many people I have met who think they can legally kill someone over a fist fight or argument.
I have three goals for this book. First, to clear up the common misconceptions about Florida law and using a firearm in self-defense.
My second goal is to help you develop the proper mindset for concealed carry. I will share personal stories of how good people with guns have saved the lives of countless people.
My final goal is to prepare you to become a safe and responsible firearm owner. I hope you will take the time to read this book, memorize the key points and apply them to your life.
The Sheepdog Concept
There are three types of people in society: the sheep, the sheepdog and the wolf.
In the Flock
Sheep are non-aggressive, docile and oblivious to the predators that surround them. When sheep are attacked by a wolf, they run because they have no other option. They are not capable of violence or defending themselves, so their only option is to run.
Next, we have the wolves. These are the predators who are capable of violence on anyone or anything, without discretion. The wolves hide in the shadows and watch the flock in search of the weak, the young and the old. When the time is right, they attack and devour anything in sight without fear.

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