Page 16 - Fall 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 16

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2020

        Island Grove Chorus

        Island Grove Chorus grieves the sudden passing of Kathy Oldham, Lead

        Island Grove Chorus (IGC) was shocked at the sudden news of the passing of Kathy Oldham, Lead, on
        Sunday, 8-16-20.   (As I write this, IGC members and I will be attending her memorial service
        tomorrow, alas.). As her husband, Joe, said, her brave little heart just gave out.”

        We have decided to not sing as IGC at her memorial service, though we wish we could, because we will
        all be wearing masks…how can we sing? Also, there will be limitations on the number of people
        permitted inside at once. Yet, Kathy Oldham deserves to be honored with song; she was known within
        IGC as a cheerful, hardworking singer who brought humor and enthusiasm to rehearsals and
        performances. The coronavirus has been cruel to singers!

        IGC has been conducting weekly Zoom sessions, which have had mixed success. Problems include the
        need to “mute” everyone but one speaker at a time, making harmonies an impossibility.  Advantages
        include encouraging personal rehearsals to prepare for Zoom sessions, along with sustaining the
        friendships already forged.

        We have not had full attendance at our Zoom sessions; some members are “regulars” while others are
        AWOL…. We are encouraging everyone in IGC to join for a “special chorus business meeting”, where
        certain housekeeping items can be attended to. Also to be discussed: how to sustain the chorus in the
        long run. Perhaps some good ideas will come bubbling forth from our members….inspiration sorely

        Meanwhile, our own IGC quartet, The Fourmidables, has started up summertime outdoor rehearsals.
        They stand six feet apart in a grassy back yard and get to sing! Kudos for being an example to us all!

        Wishing everyone good health in the upcoming season. Be well!

                                                                    Adelene Ellenberg


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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