Page 17 - Fall 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 17

Tags and Swipes, Fall 2020

        Merrimack Valley Chorus


         Singing is such a significant expression of the self. Isn’t it natural that we have developed deep
         connections with our fellow Sweet Adelines? With permission, we’d like to share some of a recent email
         exchange among members of MVA:

         It's good to see so many of you at our Thursday night Zoom meetings. If you're like me, Thursday nights
         bring a mix of comfort, seeing all the familiar faces, and sadness, experiencing the distance and the lack
         of singing. I also find my days seesawing between those same emotions — one day, the pace of life feels
         peaceful, and the next day, everything feels unsettled. Today was one of the more unsettling ones. But
         tomorrow will be better :)

         I recently wrote a poem, on a day when I was missing you all. I'm attaching it here for you, hoping that it
         will touch that place in you that might be missing MVA. :) Chris

          To Sing Again —there is no safe way for singers to rehearse together until a Covid-19 vaccine is
         available (N.A.T.S.)

         That's right, look at me—
         the man stocking shelves
         at the grocery store yells, not
         wearing a mask, as shoppers
         wearing masks pass silently
         cringing at his anthem
         of misguided rebellion

         The invisible thief of life
         as we lived it creeps
         close & leaves a hollow
         footprint—a fermata
         of rests & pauses
         in a silent song

         O, to blend my voice again
         with other singers
         to fit harmony like a good
         pair of jeans—you know
         he ones—the ones
         that make you walk
         happier, like you fit somewhere
         in this separated world

         C.V. Blaisdell, May 2020

                                             (continued on next page)
                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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