Page 12 - Spring 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 12

Tags and Swipes, Spring 2020

                                             Chorus Lines

        Acappella Sounds Chorus

        So sorry that we will not be able to see all of you in Springfield this April. I hope that things will settle
        down and we will be able to gather in September at the upcoming Regional Weekend.

        Here in Canada we are practising social distancing and March 12 was our last chorus rehearsal. Our
        chorus members keep in touch via the members mailing list sending videos to make us laugh. One
        member sent a link to a low impact aerobics video (I guess to replace our physical warm-ups at
        chorus!). Our director has started to send us videos to remind us of advice that we received from our
        coaching sessions. She says that she has more up her sleeve. We also have videos on our website of
        our last two coaching sessions. I guess no excuse for not practising!

        The photo that I have of our chorus shows us at our annual fundraiser where we run the concession
        stand for a weekend community event that takes place every May. This year it will probably be
        cancelled but it shows us in happier times when we did not have to worry about social distancing. We
        are so looking forward to those days when we can gather and enjoy our time together.

        Sending our good wishes to everyone in Region 1. Stay safe and healthy until we are together and
        meet again. Au revoir!

        Leslie McDonald


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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