Page 13 - Spring 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 13

Tags and Swipes, Spring 2020

        Berkshire Hills Chorus

                                               Let Freedom Sing!

       We have so much to be grateful for- our freedom!

       On January 13, 2020 we were invited to perform at the historic Colonial Theatre. The Four Freedoms
       March Event inspires each one of us to rise up and protect the Four Freedoms as proclaimed by President
       Franklin D. Roosevelt: freedom from want and fear, freedom of religion and speech, and to stand united
       against bigotry and prejudice. Such an honor to be invited for this important community gathering.

                                            Lights! Camera! Action!!

       January 28 the Chorus taped a performance for Pittsfield Community Television. “For Your Information”
       aired the week of February 4 , 2020. What an experience to share our music with Berkshire County and


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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