Page 16 - Summer 2024 Tags & Swipes Newsletter
P. 16
Tags and Swipes, Summer 2024
Island Grove Chorus
Hello from Island Grove Chorus in Abington! We have had a busy springtime, working hard to
learn new music and taking care of a variety of other items on our To Do List.
In April at our annual business meeting, IGC installed our board members, including new board
member-at-large Elena (one of our leads), and said a big thank you to departing board members
Lia and Barbara F. We celebrated with snacks and drinks provided by our dedicated hospitality
committee, Deanna and Lora.
We tried some new advertising options this spring, placing ads in the programs of local high school
choral and drama productions, in cities like Quincy, Whitman-Hanson, and Abington. Our new ad
was designed by our lead Heather, who brought our advertising into the 21st century by including
a QR code on it (fancy!).
IGC also had a much needed, long overdue spring cleanout day in April, with several of our
members, Nancy, Sue, Jean, and Barbara F, assisting Deanna with clearing out old props,
organizing supplies and costumes, and discovering some hidden gems. In particular, they found
some wonderful old photos of IGC at contest and regional weekends from years past, reminding us
of our beloved former members (and bringing some flashbacks to silly costumes).
IGC has been hard at work learning some wonderful new music and reviewing some old classics
from our repertoire for our upcoming performances. In June we are planning to perform for
Abington Founders’ Day with the Abington Town Choir and Band. We are also booked to sing on
an October Saturday afternoon at the clubhouse at Leisurewoods in Rockland (residence of our
bass Sue), and on a November Saturday morning at Oak Point in Middleboro (residence of two of
our alumnae, leads Candy and Barbara S), and hope to be planning our holiday performance
schedule soon.
(continued on the next page)
North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines