Page 2 - Friday Gram, September 1, 2017
P. 2

Cowpens Middle School

                 Eighth  grade  students  at  Cowpens  Middle  School  used  Google  Classroom  to
                 analyze primary sources in South Carolina History class.

                                                           Clifdale Elementary School

     At  Clifdale  Elementary  School,  Tonya
     McCullough’s third grade class learned how to
     use Google Draw to make BookSnaps, a little
     snap  shot  of  the  book  they  are  currently
     reading.    BookSnaps  lets their  teacher  know
     what  they  like  about  their  books  and                    Caity  Eason’s  fourth  grade  class  at
     classmates know what they are reading. The                    Clifdale  Elementary  School  had  a  blast
     students  loved  the  activity  and  will  continue           getting  into  their  STEM  bins.   Learning
     doing  this  every  time  they  do  independent               can be super fun and creative with STEM!
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