Page 5 - Friday Gram, September 1, 2017
P. 5

Pacolet Elementary School
                                                       Fifth  graders  at  Pacolet  Elementary  School
                                                       participated  in  the  Tin  Foil  Boat  Challenge.
                                                       Students  constructed  a  boat  using  only  tin  foil.
                                                       They  tested  their  boats  using  gram  cubes  to  see
                                                       which boat would carry the heaviest load.

                                                                  In  science,  Pacolet  Elementary  School
                                                                  third  graders  learned  how  to  make  an
                                                                  egg  float  in  salt  water.  Students  made
                                                                  predictions  and  recorded  their  results
                                                                  after the experiment.

                                                      Mentors  from  Middle  School  of  Pacolet  work  with
                                                      Pacolet Elementary School students each day.

                                                                Third  graders  at  Pacolet  Elementary
                                                                School BELIEVE it will be a great school

                                                     Along  with  the  school  counselor,  Ms.  Carter,  new
                                                     fourth  and  fifth  grade  students  learned  all  about
                                                     Pacolet Elementary School using Kahoot.
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