Page 9 - Friday Gram, September 1, 2017
P. 9

In  celebration  of  the  South  Carolina  Arts
       Commission’s 50th anniversary and the Arts in
       Basic  Curriculum’s  (ABC)  30th  anniversary,
       Cannons Elementary School participated in the
       ABC  Umbrella  Project,  an  art  installation
       featuring the work of ABC sites. The installation
       will  take  a  year-long  tour  of  businesses,  arts
       centers,  and  school  districts  throughout  the
       state.  Cannons  is  showcasing  umbrellas  from
       the     upstate      of     South      Carolina       ABC                                              Cannons Elementary School
       schools.  There are over 60 ABC schools in the
       entire state.  Cannons has been an ABC school
       for  the  past  six  years.  To  fund  special  arts
       programs, the school receives $12,000 in grant
       money per year from ABC and $18,000 from a
       Distinguished  Arts  Program  grant.   To  honor
       this  commitment,  each  ABC  site  created  an
       umbrella  to  represent  their  school  and

                                                                         Christon  Carroll  is  getting
       Cannons  Elementary  School’s  fifth  graders
       completed a STEM challenge on building the                        to  know  one  of  her  new
       tallest tower with spaghetti, tape, and string.                   students  as  they  read  a
                                                                         book about dogs.

                                                                                  Just  ask  any  Cannons
                                                                                  Elementary School four-year
                                                                                  -old  kindergarten  student
                                                                                  about the playground.  They
                                                                                  LOVE the playground!
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