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Is FEAR Holding You Back                                                                          Your Survival Guide

                                            After Covid?                                                                               TO BUSINESS

                                                                                                                                             ith only 50% of businesses surviving 5+ years, how do you beat the odds?
                                                        uring the COVID Pandemic that started in 2020 and is still with us today,            Owning a business is challenging. Many entrepreneurs offer incredible products
                                                        our business and personal lives were shaken and disrupted. For many                  or services and dream of a stream of endless clients. Reality sets in when they
                                                        “business as usual” became survival mode just to keep personal finances   W struggle to get sales and to manage their daily operations. There are endless
                                              D and health under control, protect families, and get through. Kudos to           pieces to put together! With only so many hours in a day and with a limited budget, how do
                                             those who adjusted quickly and were able to take advantage of the situation. Many new   we make the best of our time and money?
                                              businesses blossomed out of the chaos, others struggled to survive, and some did not   It’s these struggles that motivated me to write my book, Putting the Pieces Together:
                                              make it. As I look at where we are today, I see some new and innovative businesses   Your Survival Guide to the First Five Years in Business. Information about business was
                                              and a major change to the way business will be conducted in the future, including how   scattered throughout the internet and self-help books. Consolidating the information
                                              teams are structured will be altered forever.                                     into a single book gave entrepreneurs a reference guide for their business. Some online
                                                                                                                                reviews even called my book a “bible” for business!
                                                   “There are lots of challenges and obstacles                                  “I wish I had this when I started because I probably would have saved over $100,000
                                                during the lifetime of you and your business.                                   in mistakes. It’s because I didn’t know. It’s about having the knowledge, the tools and
                                                                                                                                the strategies.” – Heather Andrews, Get You Visible
                                                 If you are ready, you can overcome anything
                                                that comes your way! Be ready, Be confident.”                                     The vision of NCP Consulting Services is to help small businesses around the
                                                                                                                                world achieve their greatness and make their impact even with tough competition.
                                                                                                   - Cheryl Dyck                  Business is much easier when you have a road map. We are the only Business
                                                                                                                                Strategy company that uses a proven five steps Profit Acceleration System for
                                                                                                                                entrepreneurs who want to reach their goals faster.
                                         Many are feeling fearful of the future and what it holds. How do you manage that FEAR?   Many training programs teach the techniques. Success comes from practical
                                      Well, here is my way of handling it: I change what FEAR means and use it to feed my future   implementation.
                                    direction and goals.                                                                          This is why our programs are based on NetCP – Network, Collaborate, and Profit.
                                      FACE – Look at a problem head on and not as a roadblock but as an opportunity to do       NETWORK – a community of like-minded small business owners supporting
                                   something new. Change the way you do or see things. Don’t let obstacles stop you, look at them   each other by sharing experiences and referrals.
                                   as CHOICES for new things, new adventures, and new directions.
                                                                                                                                COLLABORATE – it’s impossible to know everything, so the power of group
                                    EVERYTHING – Everything that challenges us, I believe, makes us stronger. All our           collaboration and an open mind are instrumental to developing different ideas
                                  experiences (good and bad), all our love and loss, all our financial challenges, and all our business   and perspectives that accelerate results.
                                 challenges. All those things that you have experienced from birth to now have made you who you
                                 are today. Be proud of everything that got you here! Many give up, but that isn’t you!         PROFIT – the implementation of systems with continual improvement will
                                                                                                                                leave business owners with more money.
                                   AND – There are always choices in life, personal, career, business, and relationships. Remember
                                  there is always another choice you can make to change your direction and your future. Don’t let
                                  people or things block your way. Knock down those walls and open those doors!                 “NCP has changed our lives! We’ve worked with a number of coaches in the
                                                                                                                                past, but what we were really needing was the business strategies that NCP
                                    RISE – Take a step forward and make a new choice, and work toward those goals with confidence   has to offer.” – Keltie Masters, Back to Nature Retreat
                                 and persistence. And guess what? If it isn’t working out don’t panic or chastise yourself, make another
                                 choice. No choice is the last. What helps us rise to success is to keep choosing, keep being persistent,   NCP programs have made such an impact that they were the recipient of the 2018
                                 knowing when to change course, and surrounding yourself with those who can help you RISE.      New Business Venture Award at the SuPEARLative Gala and the 2019 Entrepreneur of the
                                                                                                                                Year at the Business from the Heart Awards.
                                  RISE and Succeed! This same planning works for your family as well! Need help, just ask!        It takes a village to build a business. Let our team of Business Strategists guide you to
                                                                                                                                work less and make more!
                                               CHERYL DYCK, MBA, ISP, ITCP, IP3P
                                            BUSINESS AND IT TRANSFORMATION SPECIALIST EXTRAORDINAIRE                                    NICKI CHANG-POWLESS, B.Sc.Eng.
                                                                MSI ACTION GROUP                                                                       NCP CONSULTING SERVICES

                                                I  403-615-6440                                                 I  403-771-9998
                             Miko Photography                                                                                                                                             Miko Photography

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