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An Artist’s

                                                             am creating a beautiful piece of art, a masterpiece. As the artist, I   This is where planning comes in. What an amazing opportunity to turn this picture into a
                                                             am choosing what’s in the picture.  Colours, objects, family and me.     concrete plan. I know what I would love, I know what my parents would love, and I want my parents
                                                               I imagine my life in future years. I love my home. It has my name   to have that plan.
                                                        I ten all over it. My home reflects a big part of me, my values, my       Private homecare is a tremendous opportunity to enjoy one’s masterpiece. Remaining in our homes, with our
                                                           memories, my treasures, and most importantly, my family.              treasures, memories, and family around us as well as a team individually chosen to support health, and physical and
                                                              I love the area that I live in and all those sights that are       social dynamics for each client and their family. The lifestyle that is available with support is endless. Everything from
                                                              familiar. My neighbors and my community functions are              personal care and meal preparation to community events and travel are part of the plan.
                                                                important to me. I chose this area and this is where I belong.    Imagine your parents, even the snowbirds, continuing this lifestyle with support. Our caregivers have supported
                                                                   I love to travel and thoroughly look forward to               many clients through their time away, ensuring their safety, their peace of mind, and their feeling of independence
                                                                   continuing to do so. There are places yet to be               as they live their life. Hawaii for two months? No problem. Vegas, semi-annually? No problem. Europe? Yes, that
                                                                    explored, items on my bucket list and definitely             too. Caregiver support allows our client to participate and the family to relax knowing everything is being handled.
                                                                    places to be revisited. My list is long.                     A family member of one of our clients shared the most amazing story about a whirlwind family trip to Europe,
                                                                                                                                 where four generations of family ran through the airport, late for a flight and suitcases in hand. Our caregiver
                                                                                                                                 assisted in the race to meet the plane! It was a memory they would not have had without the rendering of the
                                                                                                                                 masterpiece and the support of their caregiver.
                                                                                                                                  We have seen so many pictures drawn and lived with support. One such gentleman loved to garden. His yard was
                                                                       CARLA AMTHOR                                              his pride and joy, and it truly sustained his health and wellbeing. Giving that up, for him, would have been like losing
                                                                             FOCUS ON CARING                                     a family member. Although he had become restricted in his ability to tend the garden himself, he quite enjoyed being
                                                                                                                                 the supervisor as he directed the planting and pruning of his beautiful yard. This is the portion of his picture that would
                                                                                                 have been missing if he had not been able to remain in his home. There is joy in the simple pleasures, and it can feel like
                                                            I  403-264-3839                           punishment when our choices are unnecessarily limited.
                                                                                                                                  We tend to create an estate plan, draw up our wills, and preplan our funeral, all things that are in preparation for
                                                                                                                                 when we are gone. While making these plans is extremely important and gives the whole family peace of mind, very
                                                                                                                                 few of us are conditioned to plan for our “golden years” when we should be enjoying our lives. While get togethers,
                                                             I love this masterpiece that I have imagined for myself             birthdays, and trips are fun, easy plans to make, creating your masterpiece can be equally fun and rewarding. Focus on
                                                          and my future. Now I imagine my parents having their own               Caring provides the support to bring that masterpiece to fruition.
                                                         beautiful piece of art, the life that they love. I know they love        Of course, life has its challenges, and while we often make decisions that seem to be the easier or better choice, I
                                                        their home and their community, the familiarity of their memories        challenge everyone to look deeper at what that means for yourself and your parents. Imagine your own life, then shift
                                                       and their family. I know their hearts love to explore, just like mine.    the frame to your loved ones. Shouldn’t the view of their life be as beautiful as yours? Ultimately, isn’t fulfilling the life
                                                       I want that life for them. I certainly wouldn’t want them to settle for   they love the path we want for our parent? We would be supporting their choices as opposed to making decisions for
                                                      anything less than their masterpiece.                                      them and assuming what would be best or safer.
                                                        What if it could be easy for my parents, or your parents, to enjoy        Now, imagine your life in your future years. Is it a beautiful work of art that reflects your values? Are you
                                                      their masterpiece? What if, regardless of health concerns or physical      preparing for your golden years by understanding how a caregiver can support your choices? Focus on Caring
                                                    limitations, our parents could not only paint the picture they imagined but   is here to help establish an in-depth plan designed to ensure we can live our own masterpieces.
                                                  live it as they deserve?

                                                 Miko Photography

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