Page 21 - BarrandBarr_Academic Portfolio
P. 21
Williams College
Hollander Hall and Schapiro Hall
100,169 square feet Williams College
Construction Manager-at-Risk Bohlin Cywinski Jackson
Hollander and Schapiro Halls were part of the initial phased • Building Information Modeling (BIM) utilized for
clash detection as part of the constructability review,
reconfi guration of the north side of Williams College’s classic mechanical coordination and 4D construction
sequencing/scheduling analysis.
New England campus. Together, they contain 170 faculty offi ces,
classrooms and faculty/student learning center meeting rooms, plus • OSHA Partnership with the U.S. Labor
Department to emphasize employee training and an
a public event space. ongoing commitment to identifying and eliminating
hazards before they harm workers.
• Expedited overall schedule via simultaneous
construction scheduling for the two buildings, which
encouraged a trade construction team “competition.”
• A high standard of sustainability was met
through the use of recycled and locally extracted
and manufactured materials, low-VOC building
products, green roofs that reduce storm water runoff
and improve insulation, low-fl ow fi xtures, waterless
urinals and water-effi cient landscaping. Certifi ed
LEED Gold.
• Advanced computer-aided earthworks studies
minimized removal costs by anticipating the
locations and quantities of rock excavations.
• First project in Berkshire County to receive LEED
Gold certifi cation.
• Minimized disruptions to the College campus
and surrounding neighborhood through in-depth
preconstruction logistics planning.
• Home to the humanities and social sciences