Page 17 - BarrandBarr_Academic Portfolio
P. 17
Yale University
Bass Library
70,000 square feet Yale University
Construction Manager-at-Risk HBRA Architects
Renovations to the two-story underground library included new electronic • Th e Th ain Family Café, located in the Bass
classrooms, individual and group study rooms, media spaces, a cafe, new Library, is a classic coff ee bar serving a variety of
specialty drinks like cappuccino, latte, espresso
shelving for the collection, associated staff offi ces & support space and
and organic spiced hot chocolate. Th e Café
a new main entry pavilion at grade level on the northeast corner of the also has variety of freshly made sustainable
quad. Renovations were also performed on the basement of the Sterling sandwiches, salads, sushi, desserts, and snacks.
Memorial Library and the tunnel that connects the two libraries.
• We minimized disruptions to the College
campus, especially the main quad located
directly above the library.
• Comprehensive revitalization addressed
persistent leaks, update mechanical systems
and reconfi gured the building for changing
functional requirements.
• Library accommodates a 150,000-volume core
• A new day-lit lounge near the entry creates a
focal point for both libraries and encourages
student movement from Sterling through Bass
• New classrooms and group study areas in the
remodeled portion of Sterling draw patrons
from the connecting tunnel at Bass into Sterling