Page 28 - BarrandBarr_Academic Portfolio
P. 28

Hamilton College
                                            Kirner Johnson Additions and Renovations

          SIZE                     OWNER
          92,000 square feet                                                   Hamilton College
          New - 48,000 SF
          Renovation - 44,000 SF   ARCHITECT
          Construction Manager-at-Risk

                                                                       PROJECT DETAILS
          Th  e multi-phased upgrades to the existing Kirner Johnson building        •   First new construction on Hamilton’s Kirkland
                                                                           Campus in more than 20 years.
          included an addition that houses 41 new faculty offi  ces, eight 20
          person class rooms, fi ve seminar/conference rooms and a common area.       •   A high standard of sustainability was met
                                                                           through the use of recycled and locally extracted
          Renovations also included changes to the exiting 125 seat lecture hall
                                                                           and manufactured materials, low-VOC building
          and historic “red pit” lecture hall.                             products, green roofs that reduce storm water
                                                                           runoff  and improve insulation, low-fl ow fi xtures,
                                                                           waterless urinals and water-effi  cient landscaping.
                                                                           Certifi ed LEED Gold.
                                                                          •   OSHA Partnership with the U.S. Labor
                                                                           Department to emphasize employee training
                                                                           and an ongoing commitment to identifying and
                                                                           eliminating hazards before they harm workers.
                                                                          •   Extensive sitework utility enabling project in
                                                                           order to facilitate the existing facility upgrades
                                                                           and added capacity for new construction.
                                                                          •   Aggressive scheduling in order to coordinate
                                                                           and synchronize with University’s academic
                                                                          •   Home to the departments of government and
                                                                           economics, the centers for writing and oral
                                                                           communication, the Arthur Levitt Public
                                                                           Aff airs Center and the offi  ces of the Dean of
                                                                           Students and the Registrar.
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