Page 17 - Barr&Barr_GaragePortfolio.indd
P. 17

MassMutual Financial Group

                                             Bright Meadow Campus Parking Garage

          SIZE                     OWNER
          434,000 square feet      MassMutual Financial Group
          (1,500 spaces)
          CONTRACT TYPE            Carl Walker
          Construction Manager-at-Risk

                                                                       PROJECT DETAILS
          MassMutual purchased Bright Meadows, a three building offi  ce campus.        •   Incorporation of Geopier foundations to
          In an eff ort to consolidate operations a six-deck, 1500 space parking   account for poor existing soil conditions in a
          garage was constructed with an additional 200 spaces of surface parking.    cost eff ective manner while maintaining project
          Additional scope included the construction of a helipad.         schedule.

                                                                          •   Rigorous, creative value management reviews
                                                                           during fi nal design development identifi ed
                                                                           appealing lower-cost alternatives that kept
                                                                           the project on budget without compromising
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