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Client Driven not                                                     Over

           Volume Driven                                              $250 Million

           We pride ourselves on being ‘client-
           driven,’ not ‘volume-driven.’  We are                                     in
           very focused, targeted on the project and
           the clients that we pursue, as well as the
           long-time relationships, we pursue work                Parking Garage
           because we feel we’re best suited for that
           type of project and client.                               Construction

           Services                                                        Our Experience
           Barr & Barr has built a reputation for delivering               Barr & Barr has project experience in
           the highest quality construction services. From                  the commercial, cultural and historical,
           preconstruction through to construction and                     healthcare, education, life sciences and
           commissioning, every facet of our process is bound              research and parking structure markets.
           by our core values to exceed our client’s expectation           We have completed projects from the
           and build a structure that we can be proud of for years         straightforward to the complex.
           to come.

                                                                           Executive Leadership
                                                                           Offi  cers play an active role in every
                                                                           project to which they are assigned, and
                                                                           senior leadership is present on each
                                                                           project, every step of the way.

                                                                           Barr & Barr services three regions, New
                                                                           England, Mid-Atlantic and the South
                                                                           East. Barr & Barr’s reputation for results
                                                                           precedes the fi rm wherever it may go.
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