Page 8 - Barr&Barr_GaragePortfolio.indd
P. 8

Baystate Health

                                                  Walter Street Parking Garage

          SIZE                     OWNER
          225,624 square feet      Baystate Health
          (811 spaces)
          CONTRACT TYPE            Walker Parking Consultants

                                                                      PROJECT DETAILS
          Th  e Walter Street Parking Structure features a new three-deck, 811 space        •   Aggressive construction schedule included
          garage built over an existing 250 car lot. Th  e precast parking structure   phasing to allow for 130 ground level parking
          includes attendants booths and a car count/access control system.   spaces to be used during construction.
                                                                          •   Extensive coordination with local
                                                                           redevelopment agencies, local and state code
                                                                           offi  ces as well as the Highway Authority to
                                                                           mitigate unmapped sub-surface obstructions
                                                                           from previous buildings.

                                                                          •   Community participation resulted  in the
                                                                           garage being fi nished with brick veneer
                                                                           spandrels and a full brick clad stair tower in
                                                                           order to match the adjacent medical buildings.
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