Page 11 - Barr&Barr_GaragePortfolio.indd
P. 11

Bridgewater State University

                                                  East Campus Parking Garage

          SIZE                     OWNER
          303,840 square feet      Bridgewater State University
          (841 spaces)             (MSCBA Project)

          CONTRACT TYPE            ARCHITECT
          Construction Manager-at-Risk  Walker Parking Consultants

                                                                      PROJECT DETAILS
         Th  e East Campus Parking Garage featured the design and construction       •   Massachusetts State College Building
         of a four deck, 841 space parking structure. Th  e project included site   Authority (MSCBA) funded project.
         development including amenities, landscaping, directional signage and
                                                                          •   Extensive coordination to accommodate
         roadway access improvements as part of the new construction.
                                                                           simultaneous base building upgrades.
                                                                          •   Incorporation of Geopier foundations to
                                                                           account for poor existing soil conditions in a
                                                                           cost eff ective manner while maintaining project

                                                                          •   Challenging site conditions include the site’s
                                                                           proximity to an existing MBTA railroad station
                                                                           and extremely high groundwater conditions.
                                                                          •   Th  e parking garage contains sustainable
                                                                           features focusing on rain water collection, site
                                                                           water detention, local material usage and energy
                                                                           effi  cient light fi xtures.
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