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P. 20

Charlotte Mason Picture Study Aid                                                       Johannes Vermeer

        !e Geographer

                                                       c. 1668-1669
                                                       oil on canvas
                                                       52&+&45.5 cm
                                                       Städelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt

        KEY TOPICS:
        • In this piece we see a man in a blue robe leaning over a map spread-out on a table with a pair of compasses (to

           measure distances) in his right hand. He is dressed in a blue robe and is looking out of a window on the le) side

           of the picture plane. Behind him is a cupboard atop which is a globe (with the Indian Ocean facing out) and
           several books. To the right of the cupboard is Vermeer’s signature which is "uite dominant in the space (“I. Ver-

           Meer MDCLXVIIII”), a map and, beneath that, an ornately embroidered wooden chair. On the (oor beside him
           are rolled-up maps and a chest or stool with a copper protractor on top of it and in front of him hanging from

           the edge of the table is a rug. To the le) of the window, the room’s only source of light, is a curtain which covers

           the top le) corner of the piece. In the very top part of the window, a pointed object is hanging which many art
           historians believe is a Jacob’s sta$, a device used to measure distance of celestial objects or the height of distant

           buildings.  5
        • !is piece was most likely painted to hang next to !e Astronomer, another painting Vermeer completed at this

           time with the same model and similar subject matter.   It is thought that the the model (and possible patron) was
           Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, an amateur scientist from Del) who advanced the area of microscopy.  6
        • !e map on the back wall has been identi%ed as the Pascaarte van all zee-custen van Europa, published in 1600,

           which showed the coasts of Europe.  5

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