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Charlotte Mason Picture Study Aid                                                       Johannes Vermeer


        !ough there aren’t a great deal of concrete facts about Vermeer’s life, biographers and art historians have managed

        to piece details together based on quotes, legal documents, and general knowledge about Del) from the short span

        of his life there. A few of these books have been particularly helpful in putting together this picture study aid:

        • Vermeer: A View of Del# by Anthony Bailey (Henry Holt and Co., 2001)
        • Vermeer: !e Complete Works by Karl Schütz (TASCHEN, 2017)

        • !e Milkmaid by Walter Liedtke (!e Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2009)

        Traces of Vermeer by Jane Jelley (Oxford University Press, 2017) also looked compelling, but because of time

        constraints, I chose to read Anthony Bailey’s biography over this one so I have little experience with it.

        Also, the book Discovering the Great Masters by Paul Crenshaw (Universe, 2009) is on the AO Year 12 book list and

        has a short write-up for !e Art of Painting.

        And for children:

        • !e Vermeer Interviews: Conversations With Seven Works of Art by Bob Raczka (Millbrook Press, 2010) - !is would
          be good for older students or parents wanting to know more about the pieces. I would not recommend this for

          younger students. It includes !e Milkmaid, !e Geographer, !e Art of Painting (titled “!e Artist in His Studio”),

          and Woman in Blue Reading a Letter, among others.
        • Anna and Johanna by Geraldine Elschner (Prestel Junior, 2018) - !is is purely fictional and tells the “story” of two

          characters in Vermeer’s paintings (!e Milkmaid and !e Lacemaker).

        !ere were a few others for children that looked interesting but I was unable to get from the library to review:

        • Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett (Scholastic, 2005)
        • Vermeer's Daughter: A Novel by Barbara Shoup (Clerisy Press, 2003)

        • Vermeer's Secret World by Vincent Etienne (Prestel Junior, 2017)

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