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P. 113

Unit 3: Matter                                                                         Page 25

                  Activities, Experiments, Projects

                                              Lesson 2: Solids

                  Note: This section is an abbreviated overview of the experiments online.

                                                                  excite the water molecules and
               Experiment: Microwaving                            your kids will never look at the
               Soap                                               soap the same way again.

               When you warm up leftovers, have                   Toss a naked bar of Ivory soap
               you ever wondered why the                          onto a glass or ceramic plate and
               microwave heats the food and not                   stick it into the microwave on HIGH
               the plate? (Well, some plates,                     for 2-3 minutes. Watch intently
               anyway.) It has to do with the way                 and remove when it reaches a
               microwaves work.                                   “maximum”. Be careful when you
                                                                  touch it after taking it out of the
               Microwaves use dielectric heating                  microwave oven – it may still hold
               (or high frequency heating) to heat                steam inside. You can still use the
               your food. Basically, the microwave                soap after this experiment!
               oven shoots light beams that are
               tuned to excite the water molecule.                Experiment: Landry Soap
               Foods that contain water will step                 Crystals
               up a notch in energy levels as
               heat. (The microwave radiation can                 Can we really make crystals out of
               also excite other polarized                        soap?  You bet!  These crystals

               molecules in addition to the water                 grow really fast, provided your
               molecule, which is why some                        solution is properly saturated.  In
               plates also get hot.)                              only 12 hours, you should have

                                                                  sizable crystals sprouting up.
               The following experiment is a quick
               example of this principle using a                  You can do this experiment with
               naked bar of Ivory soap. The trick                 skewers, string, or pipe cleaners.
               is to use Ivory, which contains an                 The advantage of using pipe
               unusually high amount of air. Since                cleaners is that you can twist the
               air contains water moisture, Ivory                 pipe cleaners together into
               also has water hidden inside the                   interesting shapes, such as a
               bar of soap. The microwave will

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