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P. 109
Unit 3: Matter Page 21
energy that they are literally it was. A basketball actually
blending into one another, to squashes a bit when it hits the
plasma, where they are so high sidewalk and when it unsquashes it
energy they can emit light. Solids bounces back up. If you stretch,
are the lowest energy form of twist or squash something beyond
matter that exist in nature (BEC its elastic limit it will break or
only happens under laboratory deform.
Imagine taking a rubber band, for
In solids, the atoms and molecules example, and stretching it so much
are bonded (stuck) together in that it breaks. You’ve stretched it
such a way that they can’t move beyond its elastic limit and it
easily. They hold their shape. broke. Another example, would be
That’s why you can sit in a chair. taking a wire pipe cleaner. If you
The solid molecules hold their bend it just a bit, it will bend back
shape and so they hold you up. to its original shape. If you go to
The typical characteristics that far, it stays in the new shape. You
solids tend to have are they keep have bent it beyond its elastic
their shape unless they are broken limit.
and that they do not flow. Let’s
take a look at a couple of terms Tension and Compression
that folks use when talking about
solids. That brings us to tension and
compression. Here's a question for
Elasticity you - does a rope support both
tension and compression? That is,
Elasticity is what allows you to if I handed you one end of a rope
bounce a basketball and shoot a while I held onto the other end,
rubber band across the room. All could I push you across the room
solids have some elasticity. A using just the rope?
rubber band has a lot of elasticity,
a diamond on the other hand has No, that's silly! You can't push
very little elasticity. Elasticity is someone with a rope! Pulling,
basically the ability of solids to be however, is an entirely different
stretched, twisted or squashed and matter. So ropes support tension
come back to its original shape. and not compression. That's
You can stretch a rubber band interesting. So why not build a
quite a bit and when you stop bridge entirely out of rope? Let's
stretching it comes back to the way
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