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P. 104

Unit 3: Matter                                                                         Page 16

               atom that you exhaled. At any                      Electron Shells
               moment you have atoms in your
               lungs that were once in the lungs                                          So why did
               of every person who ever lived!                                            they ever think
               EVERY PERSON WHO EVER LIVED!                                               electrons

               Wow! So in your lungs right now                                            orbited the
               are atoms that were once in                                                nucleus? Well,
               Newton, Einstein, Tesla, Watt, Jane                                        just like the
               Goodall, John Armstrong, my Uncle                                          Earth stays a
               Harry and many more!                               certain distance from the Sun, the
                                                                  electron stays a certain distance
               Electron “Orbits”                                  from the nucleus as it pops in and
                                                                  out of existence. The reason they
               Remember, that atoms are made                      stay a certain distance is due to
               up of protons and neutrons that                    one of the strangest things in
               are in the center of an atom (the                  science and that’s the
               nucleus) and electrons that are                    wave/particle duality nature of
               moving around outside the                          electrons. Electrons act like waves,
               nucleus. Now hold on to your hats,                 and like particles at the same time!
               here’s where things start to get a
               bit goofy. Electrons don’t really                  That concept is one of the keys to
               move around the nucleus...they                     quantum physics and gets a little
               pop in and out of existence around                 deeper (like seventeen miles
               the nucleus. They exist in one spot,               deeper) than we are going to go in

               then “pow”, they disappear and                     this lesson, so we’ll leave it at that
               reappear in another spot. Then                     for now. Suffice it to say that they
               “boink” off they go again and “zip”                do stay a certain distance from the
               they are back again. Here’s a fun                  nucleus. Since scientists are trying
               question...where do they go?                       to get away from the “orbit”
               That’s an answer that, at this                     concept, they are now calling these
               point, nobody knows. You may run                   areas the electrons move in
               into some older books or websites                  “shells”.
               that still refer to electrons orbiting

               around the nucleus like the planets                A nice way to visualize this is to
               orbit around the sun. That’s the                   think about a balloon with a teeny
               way folks used to think it worked,                 tiny ball bearing in the middle of it.
               but lo and behold, the teeny tiny                  The ball bearing would represent
               electron is like nothing else in the               the nucleus and the balloon would
               universe.                                          represent the shell. The electrons

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