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Unit 3: Matter                                                                         Page 18

               first shell is filled) will be in the              It needs eight electrons to be
               second shell.                                      satisfied.

               Electron Sharing                                   Luckily, two Hydrogen atoms
                                                                  happen by. Each one of them has
               Electrons provide the size and                     only one electron in its outer shell
               stability of the atom and, as such,                and needs one more to be
               the mass and the structure of all                  satisfied. If both Hydrogens share
               matter. Electrons are also the key                 their one electron with the Oxygen,
               to all electromagnetic energy. But                 the oxygen has eight electrons and
               wait, that’s not all! It is the                    is satisfied. Also, if the Oxygen
               number of electrons in an atom                                      shares an electron

               that determines if and how atoms                                    with each Hydrogen,
               come together to form molecules.                                    then both Hydrogens
               Electrons determine how and what                                    are satisfied as well.
               matter will be.                                                     Just like your mother
                                                                  told you, it’s nice to share. It is this
               Atoms like to feel satisfied and                   sharing of electrons that makes
               they feel satisfied if they are “full”.            atoms come together to form
               An atom is full if it eats four hot                molecules.
               dogs and a large fry. (Just kidding.
               ) An atom is “full” if its outer                   In the upcoming lessons, we are
               electron shell has as many                         going to begin taking a close look
               electrons as it can hold or if there               at the different forms of matter
               are eight or a multiple of eight (16,              that these strange and mysterious
               24 etc.) electrons in the outer                    atoms can take. Before we do,
               shell. This is called the octet rule               however, it’s worth taking a bit of

               and works most of the time, but is                 time to get a handle on the
               not perfect.                                       concept of density.

               If an atom is not full, it is not                  What is Density?

               satisfied. An unsatisfied atom
               needs to do something with its                     Density is basically how tightly
               electrons to be happy. Luckily                     packed atoms are.
               atoms are very friendly and love to                Mathematically, density is mass
               share. Most atoms are not satisfied                divided by volume. In other words,
               as individuals. The oxygen atom                    it is how heavy something is,
               has six electrons in its outer shell.              divided by how much space it takes
                                                                  up. If you think about atoms as

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