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P. 105
Unit 3: Matter Page 17
could be anywhere on the skin of that can’t be penetrated. (To be
the balloon at any given time. It is clear, particles that are smaller
this “shell” that gives the atom its than an atom can go through the
body. The electron moves so fast shells and pop out the other side.)
that it actually provides a balloon
like shell around the atom and so Let’s go a little further with this
the atom can be squooshed but not shell thing. An atom can have as
smashed. These balloons, made of few as one and as many as seven
several fast moving particles, are shells. Imagine our balloon again.
what give tables, chairs, walruses, Now there can be a balloon inside
and cheese burgers their structure. of a balloon inside a balloon and so
on. Up to seven balloons! Each
Let’s try balloon, whoops, I mean shell, can
another way to have only so many electrons in it.
look at this. This simple equation 2n tells you
You’re playing how many electrons can be in each
miniature golf shell. The n stands for the number
and you come of the shell.
to the old wind
mill hole. Your friend takes a shot The first shell can have up to 2 x
and since the blades of the 1(first shell) or 2 electrons. The
windmill are going nice and slow he second shell can have up to 2 x
gets the ball right through. Now it’s 2(second shell) or 8 electrons. The
your turn. Suddenly you hear a zap third shell can have up to 2x3 or
and a pow and sparks go flying. 18 electrons. The fourth shell can
Something has gone wrong with have up to 2x4 or 32 electrons. All
the wind mill and it starts spinning the way up to the seventh shell
at amazing speeds. You decide to which can have 2x7 or 98
give it a try and hit the ball electrons!
towards the wind mill.
One last thing about shells, the
Well since it is spinning out of shells have to be full before the
control, those blades now form electrons will go to the next shell.
almost a solid disk so that there is A helium atom will have two
no way your ball can get through electrons. Both of them will be in
the wind mill. Electrons do the the first shell. A Lithium atom will
same thing. They move so fast that have three electrons. Two will be in
even though there may not be the first shell and one (since the
many of them, they form a shell
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