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Unit 6: Sound                                                                          Page 26

               I want you to notice two things                    3. Feel free to adjust how stretched
               here. Sound is vibration. When the                 the bands are. The more stretched,
               bowl is vibrating, it’s making a                   the higher the note.
               sound. When you stop it from
               vibrating, it stops making sound.                  4. Try plucking a rubber band
               Any sound you ever hear, comes                     softly.
               from something that is vibrating. It
               may have vibrated once, like a                     5. Now pluck it fairly hard. The
               balloon popping. Or it may be                      hard pluck should be louder.
               vibrating consistently, like a guitar
               string.                                            Again I’d like you to notice
                                                                  three things here. Just like the
               The other thing I want you to                      last experiment, you should see
               notice is that you can actually                    that the sound is coming from the
               see the vibrations. If you put                     vibration. As long as the rubber
               water in the bowl, the tiny waves                  band vibrates, you hear a sound. If
               that are formed when you first hit                 you stop the rubber band from
               the bowl are caused by the                         vibrating, you will stop the sound.
               vibrating sides of the bowl. Those                 Sound is vibration.
               same vibrations are causing the
               sound that you hear.                               The second thing I’d like you to
                                                                  notice is that the rubber bands
                                        If your mom’s             make different pitched sounds. The
                                        worried about             thinner the rubber band, or the
                                        making a mess             tighter it’s stretched, the faster it
                                        with water                vibrates. Another way to say
                                        (and it’s not             “vibrating faster” is to say higher
                                        bath night                frequency. In sound, the higher the
                                        tonight) then             frequency of vibration, the higher
                                        try this                  the pitch of the note. The lower the
               alternate experiment: you’ll need a                frequency, the lower the pitch of
               mixing bowl, wooden spoon, and                     the note. The average human ear
               rubber bands.                                      can hear sound at as high a
                                                                  frequency as 20,000 Hz, and as
               1. Stretch a few rubber bands                      low as 20 Hz. Pianos, guitars,
               around the box or the bowl. If                     violins and other instruments have
               possible, use different thicknesses                strings of various sizes so that they
               of rubber bands.                                   can vibrate at different frequencies
                                                                  and make different pitched sounds.
               2. Strum the rubber bands.                         When you talk or sing, you change
                                                                  the tension of your vocal cords to
                                                                  make different pitches.

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