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Unit 6: Sound                                                                          Page 21

               partner. Your partner’s hands could                the wave will move to the left

               feel the energy you put into the                   and/or right of the particle. The
               rope in the first place. The work                  word perpendicular means that if
               you did on the rope was                            one thing is up and down, the
               transferred by the rope wave and                   other thing is left and right. A
               did work on your partners hand.                    transverse wave is a wave where
               You have moved energy across the                   the particle moves perpendicular to
               room!                                              the medium. The medium is the
                                                                  material that’s in the wave. The
               Now… let’s add another element to                  medium in this case is the rope.
               this experiment…

               Transverse Waves

               1. Put a piece of (colored if
               possible) tape in about the middle
               of the rope.

               2. Tie your rope to something or
               let your friend hold on to one end
               of it.
                                                                  For example, in a water wave, the
               3. Now pull the rope so that it is a               medium is the water. Your hand
               bit slack but not quite touching the               moved up and down, but the wave
               floor.                                             created by your hand moved
                                                                  across the room, not up. The wave
               4. Vibrate your arm. Move your                     moved perpendicular to the motion
               arm up and down once and watch                     of your hand. Did you take a look
               what happens.                                      at the tape? The tape represents a

                                                                  particle in the wave. Notice that it
               5. Now, vibrate your arm a bunch
                                                                  too, was going up and down. It
               of times (not too fast) and see the
                                                                  was not moving along the wave. In
               results. Notice the action of the
                                                                  any wave the particles vibrate,
               tape in the middle of the rope.
                                                                  they do not move along the wave.

               What you’ve done is create a
                                                                  Longitudinal Waves
               transverse wave. With a transverse
               wave, if the particle (in this case
                                                                  Now that you’ve seen a transverse
               your hand) moves up and down,
                                                                  wave, let’s take a look at a

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