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P. 184
Unit 6: Sound Page 16
in the form of sound waves, radio skin does the same thing with heat
waves, television waves, cosmic (another form of electromagnetic
rays, cell phone waves, wireless energy). These three antennae:
phone waves, etc. (By the way, ears, eyes, and skin, detect the
except for sound waves the rest outside energy. Our brain turns
are all forms of electromagnetic these detections into what we
waves. We will get to those later perceive as sound, light, or heat.
on.) Our antenna capture energy and
our brains turn that into our
If you could somehow see all perception of reality. Kinda neat,
the energy that is around you all huh?
the time it would look like a
constantly moving foggy haze of Now here’s a new
energy. Most of which goes look at an old
through walls and some of which question: If a tree
goes through you! falls in the woods and
there is no animal with ears around
For better or for worse, we to hear it, does it make a sound?
can’t detect all that energy. We My answer to that question is “no”.
can only detect energy in the form The falling tree makes air
of sound waves and a small bit of compressions/sound waves, but if
electromagnetic waves (light and there is no antenna there to pick
heat). For a radio to detect radio up the energy, and no brain there
waves, it needs an antenna. The to interpret the energy, then there
radio then takes the waves and, is nothing there to turn the sound
using the electronics inside the waves to sound. Just like in your
radio, turns the energy to sound house right now, there are radio
energy. If the radio didn’t have the waves all over the place. If you
antenna, it couldn’t pick up the don’t have a radio to catch those
waves. The antenna alone couldn’t waves and turn them to sound,
make anything out of the waves. then there’s no sound.
Our ears are the same way. Our Ears and Sound
ears are our sound antenna. They
pick up the sound waves. Nerves Our ears are very good
carry them to our brain, and our antennas. They are very effective
brain changes them to our at picking up quiet, loud, high-
perception of sound. Our eyes do pitched and low-pitched sounds. It
the same thing with light, and our is difficult for people to make
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