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P. 180
Unit 6: Sound Page 12
Textbook Reading
In previous vibrations make waves. When one
lessons particle moves back and forth it
we’ve does work on another particle,
learned which does work on another
that particle and so on. As these
energy is particles do work on one another,
the ability to do work, and that they cause a wave to move from
work is moving something a one place to another.
distance against a force.
Energy moves by waves or, in
The concept of energy is fairly easy other words, waves are energy-
to see as far as lifting things or mobiles! Before we get in over our
pushing things go. We are exerting heads talking about waves
energy to lift a box against the however, we need to spend some
force of gravity. We are exerting time on this vibration thing. This
energy to pedal our bike up a hill. lesson we will be taking a careful
look at vibration and frequency.
But how does this energy stuff
relate to light, electricity, or Frequency
sound? What’s moving against a
force there? (As usual, you have The concept of frequency is
asked an excellent question!) very important to
understanding energy. When it
With much energy, what’s comes to electromagnetic waves it
happening is that outrageously tiny is frequency that determines
particles are moving back and forth whether the wave is radio, light,
outrageously tiny amounts, at heat, microwave or more. It’s all
outrageously high speeds. Let me the same type of energy, it’s the
explain... frequency that determines what
that energy actually does. With
With light you’ve got little
sound energy the frequency
photons moving, with electricity
determines the pitch of the sound.
little electrons and with sound
you’ve got molecules moving back As we move forward with
and forth. This back and forth energy, it is quite important
motion is called vibration and these that you know that all waves
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