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Unit 6: Sound                                                                          Page 14

               light is vibrating off your radio at 6             vibrating particles and are made up

               x 1014 Hz. That’s 6 with 14 zeros                  of vibrating particles.
               behind it or 600,000,000,000,000
               vibrations in one second. That’s                                           Here’s rule
               some serious vibes!                                                        one when it
                                                                                          comes to
               (By the way, if you can hear the                                           waves....the
               sound coming out of your radio,                                            waves move,
               your speakers are vibrating                                                the particles
               anywhere between 20 and 20,000                                             don’t. The
               Hz. See how vibrations are                         wave moves from place to place.
               important? They’re everywhere!)                    The wave carries the energy from
               Let's look more carefully at what                  place to place. The particles
               those vibrations make, and that’s                  however, stay put. Here’s a couple
               waves.                                             of examples to keep in mind.

               Waves                                              If you’ve ever seen a crowd of
                                                                  people do the “wave” in the
                               Waves are the way                  stands of a sporting event you
                               energy moves from                  may have noticed that the people

                               place to place.                    only “vibrated” up and down. They
                               Sound moves from a                 did not move along the wave. The
                               mouth to an ear by                 wave, however, moved through the
               waves. Light moves from a light                    stands.
               bulb to a book page to your eyes
               by waves. Waves are everywhere.                    Another example would be a
               As you sit there reading this, you                 duck floating on a wavy lake.
               are surrounded by radio waves,                     The duck is moving up and down
               television waves, cell phone waves,                (vibrating) just like the water

               light waves, sound waves and                       particles but he is not moving with
               more. (If you happen to be reading                 the waves. The waves move but
               this in a boat or a bathtub, you’re                the particles don’t. When I talk to
               surrounded by water waves as                       you, the vibrating air molecules
               well.) There are waves                             that made the sound in my mouth
               everywhere!                                        do not travel across the room into
                                                                  your ears. (Which is especially
               Do you remember where all                          handy if I’ve just eaten an onion
               waves come from? Vibrating                         sandwich!) The energy from my
               particles. Waves come from

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