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Unit 6: Sound                                                                          Page 10


                                         Lesson 2: Resonance

               We’ve been talking about the                       ·  Sound is molecules moving back
               fact that sound is caused by                          and forth (vibrating) creating
               something vibrating. If you can                       longitudinal waves.
               hear it, you can bet that
               somewhere, something is vibrating                  ·  All sound comes from something
               molecules and those molecules are                     vibrating.
               vibrating your ear drums. The
               sound may be coming from a car,                    ·  Frequency of sound waves
               thunder, a balloon popping,                           determines the pitch.
               clapping hands, or your gold fish                  ·  Sound waves with a high
               blowing bubbles in her tank.                          frequency have high pitches.
               However, no matter where it’s
               coming from, what you are hearing                     Sound waves with low
               is vibrating particles, usually                       frequencies have low pitches.
               vibrating air molecules.                           ·  The human ear can hear sound

                                                                     energy as low as 20 Hz and as
               This lesson, I’d like to take the
                                                                     high as 20,000 Hz.
               concepts of frequency and
               vibration just a bit further and talk              ·  The more energy sound has, the
               about natural frequency and
                                                                     larger the wave is (higher
                                                                     amplitude) and the louder it is.

               Highlights:                                        ·  We hear sound because
                                                                     vibrating particles vibrate our
               ·  Sound is a type of energy and
                                                                     eardrums and our brain
                   moves by longitudinal waves.
                                                                     translates those vibrations into
               ·  Sound moves faster in solid                        sound.
                   objects than it does in air
                                                                  ·  Everything has a natural
                   because the molecules are very
                   close together in a solid and
                   very far apart in a gas.                       ·  The natural frequency of an
                                                                     object is due to the size, weight,
               ·  Sound travels at about 760 mph
                                                                     and material the object is made
                   in air, about 1000 ft/s. Sound
                   can travel a mile in 5 seconds.
                                                                  ·  Natural frequency is how fast
               ·  Light travels much faster than
                                                                     something vibrates.

               © 2010 Supercharged Science                            

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