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Unit 6: Sound                                                                          Page 8


                            Lesson 1: Sound Wave Vibrations

               Sound is a fascinating form of                        ·  Particles in a wave are
               energy. As you sit there reading                          moving a distance against a
               this, there is energy flowing all                         force. They are having work
               around you in the form of light                           done on them and they can

               waves, sound waves, radio waves,                          do work.
               heat and more. You are constantly
                                                                     ·  A transverse wave is a wave
               being bombarded by energy.
                                                                         where the particle moves
               Moving by waves at amazing                                perpendicular to the medium.
               speeds, sound energy brings you
                                                                     ·  A longitudinal wave is where
               knowledge about the world around
                                                                         the particle moves parallel to
               you. Does a tree make a sound if it
                                                                         the medium.
               falls without anyone there to hear
                                                                     ·  The wavelength is the
               it? This section will answer that
                                                                         distance between two like
               question and many others.
                                                                         parts of the wave.
                                                                     ·  Amplitude is the height of the
                   ·  Energy moves by waves.
                   ·  All waves begin as vibrating
                                                                     ·  Energy is all around us all
                                                                         the time.
                   ·  The particles vibrate back
                                                                     ·  Antennae are necessary to
                       and forth. They do not move
                                                                         pick up energy.
                       along the wave.
                                                                     ·  Our bodies have three
                   ·  Frequency is the amount of
                                                                         antennae; eyes, ears, and
                       vibrations there are in a
                       given amount of time.
                                                                     ·  Eyes can detect light waves,
                   ·  Hertz is a measurement of
                                                                         which are a small portion of
                       frequency and is one
                                                                         the electromagnetic
                       vibration per second.
                   ·  Waves are the way energy
                                                                     ·  Skin can detect heat, which
                       moves from place to place.
                                                                         is another even smaller
                       Waves are energy-mobiles.

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